Hello Moms! Today, we’re going to talk about something really important – 10 ways to teach your child integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s like being a superhero who always chooses to be kind and honest!


Integrity is like a magical word that means being honest and true. It’s important because it helps us make good friends and be happy. Imagine if everyone was nice and told the truth, the world would be a big, happy playground!

1. Drive the Speed Limit

  • When we’re in the car, we always follow the rules, like stopping at red lights and driving just right, not too fast and not too slow. This shows our little ones that rules are there to keep us safe and happy!

2. Never Ask Your Children to Lie for You

  • Telling the truth is like having a superpower. It makes us strong and trustworthy. So, we never ask our kids to tell little fibs, because little fibs can turn into big fibs. And remember, superheroes always tell the truth!
Photo of Family Having Fun With Soccer Ball, teach your child integrity

3. Apologize When You Wrong Your Children

  • Sometimes, even moms make mistakes. Oops! But that’s okay because saying sorry shows we care and we learn from our oopsies. It’s like getting a do-over to make things right!

4. Send Them into a Store with More Money Than They Need

  • Imagine you have extra candies, and you decide to share them with your friends. That’s being nice and honest! It’s the same when we give back extra change at the store. It’s like giving back extra candies!

5. Never Tolerate Even the Smallest Lie

  • Little lies are like tiny bugs; we don’t want them to grow into big bugs! So, we always tell the truth, and that makes us feel good inside, like eating a warm cookie!

6. Discussing News Articles about Crimes

  • Sometimes, people do things that are not nice, and we talk about it to understand why it’s important to be good. It’s like learning why we shouldn’t take someone else’s toys!

7. Teach Respect and Politeness

  • Saying please and thank you is like giving smiles. It makes everyone happy! And being respectful is like being a kind and gentle superhero!

8. Set Up Tasks That Require Follow-Through Without Supervision

  • Doing our tasks, even when mom is not watching, is like being a responsible superhero. It shows we can take care of things and be trusted, like keeping our toys safe!

9. Visit Ancestors’ Graves and Share Anecdotes

  • Visiting old family places and hearing stories about our family is like finding treasure! It helps us learn about being good and kind, just like our grandparents and great-grandparents!

10. Memorize Verses on Integrity

  • Learning special words about being good and honest is like having a guide to being the best superhero! It helps us remember to be kind and true every day!

FAQs About How to Teach Your Child Integrity

How can I teach my child the importance of honesty?

Teaching honesty is like planting seeds of goodness. We show by example, and we talk about why being honest is super important!

What are some activities to teach your child integrity?

Fun activities like playing truth games, sharing stories, and doing tasks can help us learn about integrity. It’s like playing and learning at the same time!

How can parents model integrity for their children?

Moms and Dads can be superhero models by always being honest, kind, and respectful. It’s like showing the superhero way every day!

Remember, every little superhero can learn to be kind, honest, and true. Let’s help them shine bright with integrity!