
Hi, I’m Denny Strecker, and I’ve embarked on a fascinating journey over the past three decades, one that’s been fueled by a deep passion for understanding the wonders of child development. Ever pondered the magic behind a child’s radiant confidence or the transformation of a once-reserved kid into a vibrant leader? Well, that’s the magic I aim to weave into every child’s life.

Over these 30 years, I’ve delved deep into the four pivotal stages of child development: physical, emotional, social, and intellectual. Each stage is like a chapter in a child’s life story, and understanding them has been akin to decoding a secret manual to their growth. But here’s the twist: while these stages are crucial, I discovered that there was a missing piece to this puzzle – confident communication.

Confident communication is the golden thread that ties these stages together, making them even more impactful. It’s the voice that allows kids to express their feelings, the courage to make friends, the wisdom to ask questions, and the strength to stand up for themselves. By integrating this element into my program, I’ve crafted a holistic approach that not only nurtures kids through these developmental stages but also empowers them to communicate with confidence and clarity.

So parents, as you journey through my world, you will discover a program that’s been refined and perfected over decades, designed to help your child blossom into their best self. Let’s embark on this enlightening adventure together, shall we?

A Warm Welcome from Me to You

Firstly, let’s demystify the term “life coaching for kids.” Picture this: your child has a mentor, a guide, someone who’s got their back, teaching them the secrets to being brave, compassionate, and super smart. That’s what I aim to be for every child I meet.

I’ve crafted a unique journey for every child who steps into my world. You see, understanding kids isn’t just about recognizing their immediate needs; it’s about foreseeing their future and preparing them for it. And that’s precisely what I’ve dedicated my life to doing.

The first six months with me are foundational. Think of it as building a house; before we add the walls and the roof, we need a solid base. During this period, I focus on instilling structure in a child’s life. We work on discipline, routine, and basic principles like creating a morning routine and bedtime routine. This structure acts as a guiding path, helping kids navigate their world with a sense of direction and purpose.

But, as we all know, a foundation alone doesn’t make a home. So, in the subsequent six months, we dive deeper, tapping into the vast ocean of their emotions and knowledge. This phase is all about emotional intelligence, understanding feelings, and expanding their horizons. We explore the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of the world, fostering curiosity and nurturing their intellect. By the end of the year, the transformation is profound. The child isn’t just physically adept but emotionally resilient and intellectually curious.

Beyond the Martial Arts Moves

Stepping into my world, you will quickly realize that while martial arts is the medium, the message goes far beyond just kicks and punches. Over the years, I’ve come to understand that children don’t need martial arts to lead a great life – they need Life Skills that they will use every single day.

One of the most vital aspects I emphasize is the power of role modeling. Kids, with their keen observant eyes, often learn more from what they see than what they’re told. That’s why I don’t just teach Confidence and Leadership; I embody them. Every session and every interaction is an opportunity for me to showcase these values in action, allowing kids to see firsthand what true confidence and leadership look like.

But it doesn’t stop there. I believe in the power of real-world application. So, I design challenges that are not only age-appropriate but also mirror real-life situations. Whether it’s a discipline drill like getting yourself up on time and making your bed every morning or a communication challenge that hones their persuasive skills, each task is crafted to be a stepping stone towards real-world success. These challenges equip them with tools and skills that they can carry with them, not just within the confines of the dojo but outside in the larger world.

So, while the kids come to class excited about learning a new martial arts move, they leave with so much more: a toolkit for life, filled with Confidence, Leadership Skills, and a Problem-Solving Mindset. Together, we’re not just practicing martial arts; we’re sculpting future leaders and changemakers.

Tailored Adventures for Every Child: Crafting Journeys That Resonate

Navigating the world of childhood and adolescence is like venturing through a series of interconnected realms, each with its unique challenges and wonders. Recognizing this, I’ve meticulously designed programs that cater to the distinct needs of each age group, ensuring that every child finds a path that resonates with them.

1. Little Dragons (4 to 6-year-olds): At this tender age, the world is a vast playground filled with curiosity and wonder. The Little Dragons program is crafted like a magical realm where these young explorers can channel their boundless energy into structured activities. Here, we focus on building foundational skills like coordination, balance, and basic martial arts techniques. But more than that, it’s about instilling values of respect, patience, and perseverance. Each session is a blend of fun and learning, ensuring that our littlest dragons are always eager for their next adventure.

Kids Martial Arts Troy Ages 4 to 6

2. Kids Martial Arts (7 to 12-year-olds): As kids grow, so do their challenges and aspirations. The Kids Martial Arts program is designed like an epic quest, where our young adventurers face challenges that help them hone both their physical skills and emotional intelligence. Recognizing that each child is unique, I tailor my teachings to resonate with their individual needs, be it building self-confidence, enhancing focus, or fostering teamwork. Through a mix of martial arts techniques and life skills, we prepare them for the bigger challenges that lie ahead.

Kids Martial Arts Troy ages 7 to 12

3. Teen Martial Arts (13 to 16-year-olds): The teenage years are a whirlwind of emotions, aspirations, and self-discovery. The Teen Martial Arts program is crafted like a rite of passage, guiding teens as they navigate the complexities of adolescence. At this stage, the challenges are more intricate, mirroring real-world scenarios. Whether it’s leadership exercises, advanced martial arts techniques, or communication challenges, the focus is on equipping them with tools to navigate the world with confidence and grace. Understanding that each teen is on a unique journey, I ensure that my teachings resonate with their individual needs, aspirations, and challenges.

In essence, every age group, and every individual, is on a unique journey. My mission is to walk alongside them, guiding, mentoring, and ensuring that their path is filled with growth, discovery, and boundless potential. Let’s embark on these tailored adventures together!

My Broader Impact: Beyond the Dojo

Over the years, my mission has expanded beyond the walls of the martial arts studio. I have written a book, conducted workshops, and engaged with our local community, all with a singular goal: to empower children to have the Confidence, Discipline, and Focus to lead a happy and successful life. My writings, particularly my bestselling book, “How to Double Your Child’s Confidence in Just 30 Days”, serve as resources for parents and educators alike, providing insights into the world of child development and parenting strategies.

How to Double Your Child's Confidence

Real-life Success Stories: The Proof is in the Pudding

The true testament to the effectiveness of my program lies in my students themselves and their success stories. From shy toddlers blossoming into confident leaders to teenagers navigating challenges with grace, the transformations are profound and heartwarming. These stories serve as a beacon of hope, showcasing the boundless potential within every child.

Crafting a Legacy: The Long-Term Vision

My vision goes beyond the immediate. I aim to craft a legacy, a world where every child is equipped with the tools to thrive, both personally and professionally. Through continuous research, innovation, and a deep-seated passion for helping children, I’m committed to ensuring that every child under my guidance is set on a path to success.


As we come to the end of this journey, I want you to take a moment and envision your child’s future. Picture them standing tall, radiating confidence, conquering life’s challenges head-on, and making a positive impact in the world. That vision, that dream you hold for them, is within reach.

Every child holds within them, boundless potential, waiting to be unlocked. And while the path to greatness is unique for each one, having the right guide can make all the difference. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing countless transformations, from hesitant first steps to triumphant milestones. And each story, each success, is a testament to the power of mentorship, guidance, and belief.

So, if you’re wondering how to pave the way for your child’s brighter future, I’m here to help. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Let’s craft a narrative of success, resilience, and boundless potential.

Take the first step today. Reach out and schedule a free call with me. Let’s discuss your child’s dreams, aspirations, and how together, we can turn them into reality. Your child’s brighter tomorrow is just a call away. Let’s make it happen. Call (248) 687-8641 and speak with Kristy.

Confident Kids